Tangible Public Transport Benefits
The Rother Valley Railway will create a heritage railway transport link between the main line railway system at Robertsbridge Junction operating as a public leisure transport corridor serving popular attractions such as the National Trust’s Bodiam Castle, and Tenterden, the jewel of the weald.
Completion of the railway line between Bodiam and Robertsbridge Junction Station adjacent to the mainline railway will enable visitors to use the country’s public transport system to access the Kent & East Sussex Railway and the attractions it serves. At present access is largely by private car or coach, and so the railway would help reduce traffic movements on local rural roads.
Economic Benefits
By connecting the completed railway to the main Network Rail line at Robertsbridge where trains arrive from London Charing Cross and Hastings, great economic benefits will be gained in the surrounding area as follows:
What Rother Valley Railway Has Achieved
Following the reconstruction of the railway westwards as far as Bodiam by the Kent and East Sussex Railway in 2000, RVR has:
What Comes Next
Construction of the new station at Robertsbridge, known as Robertsbridge Junction Station, which will consist of a station building historically styled with modern facilities, platform of sufficient length to handle the longest trains from the Tenterden end of the line, carriage shed, locomotive shed, signal box, water tower and water crane.